Fabricating Parts with Metal Shaping Machines Workshop

Fabricating Parts with Metal Shaping Machines Workshop

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Fabricating Parts with Metal Shaping Machines

Do you want to make a part for your car, boat, airplane, motorcycle, or sculpture project? Do you want to learn how to lay it out and how to approach constructing it? This course gives you the opportunity to learn fabrication skills at the same time you learn or refine your machine skills.

Days 1 & 2 focus on the Pullmax and English Wheel and their role in shaping parts. Two Pullmax machines will be set up for shearing, nibbling, and shrinking, as well as bead and joggle forming. The English Wheel is a deceptively simple stretching machine that can be a help or a hindrance, depending on how you use it. We’ll begin with proper setup and adjustment, and making correct passes and tracking patterns. Then we’ll focus on getting the shapes you are looking for, plus tips for making parts that truly fit.

On days 3 & 4, students will learn to quickly and accurately shape complex parts using the Air Power Hammer (instead of doing a ton of arm work). We’ll stretch, shrink, contour, and planish, as well as make complex parts such as hollows, reverses, and compound shapes on this rapid-shaping machine.

If you want to take the class, but have no particular project at the moment, Kent will bring along some bucks that you can choose from. (A 250 Testa Rossa hood blister or head rest fairing, or a wheel fairing for a GeeBee or Cessna 172. Or maybe making body parts for a mini 427 Cobra body.) This class is designed for your success in fabricating parts using the most popular machines available today. Join in and have some great fun!

Pre-req: Highly recommended are: Metalworking Fundamentals, or The 4-day Metalworking Intensive, or equivalent experience. If you are unsure if your skill level matches the course, please contact us and we'll be happy to assist you.

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