FAQs Meco Torch Line

FAQs Meco Torch Line

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Do you carry the entire Meco line? I am interested in the cost of the torch that is comperable to the Smith Airline series. Not the Meco Midget. Matt

The Tinman Respondeth:

Dear Matt,

Sorry, but you are a few weeks late. Victor, which had purchased Meco years ago, decided to go for the bottom line and.....scrapped all inventory and tooling for that excellent torch. And customers and distributors for much of the Meco line are now shocked and dismayed.
We are all very sorry for the loss of that excellent torch and several others lost, too, but they did keep the Meco Midget and one or two others (after much effort from a few determined souls.)
I received more than a few phone calls during that crisis.

Kent --Jan 5, 2000