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FRL - Filter, Regulator, Lubricator

“FRL” – Filer, Regulator, Lubricator - an essential  New Item

This “FRL” is an extremely important item to add to an existing Air Hammer, because Firstly, it provides sustained oil to the air motor – a vital necessity. Secondly, it filters out compressor scale – that hard rust scale that ruins air motors of all types. And thirdly, the regulator is placed at the front center of the frame, where either lefties or righties can adjust it easily and quickly.

Filter-Regulator-Lubricator for Tube Frame: 1000 & 2000 series

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SMS-0232-T $310.00

Filter-Regulator-Lubricator for C-Frame: 3000 & 4000 series

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SMS-0232-C $320.00